Manage, control and optimise any water system, anywhere.

If your facility needs to optimise its water, we can help. We work with hundreds of businesses across New Zealand, including on top of a mountain! Whether you’re a small business, council, university, brewery or manufacturer, our Active Water Management can help you get control of, and the most out of, your water.
Connected, active
water management systems.
Measure & Alert
Get live information from multiple water locations at your facility
Supply: Flow & pressure for total take & failure warnings
Storage: Tank levels for low capacity warnings
Distribution: Flow & pressure alerts for broken pipe or troughs
Equipment: UV filter & pump fault alerts
Measure and set SMS and email alerts for tank level, flow rate & volume across all of your assets
Look back and compare weeks or months, identifying trends and insights

Measure & Alert
Get live information from multiple water locations at your facility
Supply: Flow & pressure for total take & failure warnings
Storage: Tank levels for low capacity warnings
Distribution: Flow & pressure alerts for broken pipe or troughs
Equipment: UV filter & pump fault alerts
Measure and set SMS and email alerts for tank level, flow rate & volume across all of your assets
Look back and compare weeks or months, identifying trends and insights

“Working with the Knode team has been easy from the start, from design and installation to providing reliable hardware that performs in our harsh environment. It has given SHPG simple and reliable monitoring and reporting across our water networks.”
Steve Shattock

Get started with Knode.
Book in a session with us.
You bring your challenge and we’ll bring our solutions.
6/145 Ingram Road
Rukuhia 3282
+64 7 808 1260